
access to quality
Affordable housing
Affordable housing is a human right. And currently, our lack of it has created a crisis. If we don’t put a plan in place to address this shortage, we risk the loss of our working class diversity and our continued economic strength. As Mayor, these are some of the steps I will take:
Provide Property Tax Relief
Expand the Portland property tax relief program to all ages and increase the refund. This program provides direct economic relief to hundreds of homeowners and renters over 65. It should be expanded to all ages.
Enforce Rent Control
Rent control has now been voted on by Portland residents three times (enacted in 2020, strengthened in 2022, and defended in 2023). As Mayor, I will work to ensure the process and implementation are aligned with the voters of Portland.
Restrict Non-Owner Occupied Airbnbs
Currently, we have over 500 non-owner-occupied short-term rentals, which is almost 3% of the rental market. As your mayor, I will prioritize the interests and well-being of our residents. By enforcing regulations on Airbnb, we can aim to ensure that our neighborhoods retain their character, homeowners have control over their environments, and affordable housing remains accessible to all. It's essential to strike a balance between tourism and the quality of life for our citizens, and these regulations are a step in the right direction.
​Pass a $50 Million Housing Bond
We passed a $64 million bond to rebuild our schools; now it is time to do something similar to confront the housing crisis. A $50 million bond would allow us to develop additional and much-needed affordable units.
Transform our Zoning for the Twenty-First Century
Portland needs a zoning policy that allows for increased density while eliminating exclusionary policies that hurt the working class. I will lead a community-driven collaborative effort to bring our zoning into the twenty-first century.

PROTECTION FOr OUr environment
The effects of climate change are everywhere. From the fires out west to the tropical storms down south to the floods in New England, our planet is rapidly responding to the poisonous emissions we continue to spew. As Mayor, I will focus on reducing our carbon footprint.
Clean Up Cruise Ships
Move the cruise ship compromise built by environmentalists, activists, and labor to reduce carbon emissions, strengthen waterfront union jobs, and increase revenue to invest in our working waterfront.
​Create a Municipal Consumer-Owned Utility
Portland should take control of its energy costs by creating a municipal COU like so many communities in Maine (Kennebunk Light & Power). This will reduce energy bills for Portland residents and reduce carbon emissions for the planet.
Enforce and Strengthen the Green New Deal
The GND was passed overwhelmingly by Portland voters, putting in place strong environmental standards to help us confront climate change. Those standards must be enforced, and we need to enhance them as technology advances.
Require Benchmarking
Portland must require all commercial buildings in Portland to benchmark their energy use and reduce their carbon footprint. Currently, we have a law to do this that has no teeth. I will lead the council and staff to make sure it is required and fully enforced.
Enact a Carbon Impact Fee
As part of the GND’s required annual report on fossil fuel usage, city staff is recommending the possible enactment of a carbon impact fee (like was recently passed in Burlington, VT) on all new construction that installs fossil fuel infrastructure and using that revenue to convert our city fleet to electric. I support this proposal and will work to enact it in my first year.

From my days on the school board to my tenure as Councilor, I have always believed that education is the cornerstone of our community’s future. As Mayor, I am committed to championing initiatives that support our educators and curriculum and invest in the necessary infrastructure improvements our schools need. Our students deserve safe, modern, and conducive environments for learning.
Achieve Free Universal Pre-K for Three-Year-Olds
I will work with my colleagues on the board of education to extend full and free universal Pre-K for all three-year-olds. Beyond the clear educational gains, universal free Pre-K will encourage young families to stay in Portland.
Build a Twenty-first Century High School
I recognize that the foundation of a strong community lies in the education of its youth. It's imperative that we secure funding to modernize our outdated schools like Portland High School. Our students and educators deserve facilities that reflect the quality of education they provide and receive. Investing in our schools is investing in our future, ensuring every student has the best environment to learn, grow, and thrive.
Prevent Cuts to the Portland Promise and the School Budget
Fully funding the equity and excellence gains we have made in the past decade is essential to Portland’s future. I firmly believe that the strength of our city's future is directly linked to the quality of education we provide our children today. Supporting our schools and ensuring they have adequate budgets is not just an obligation but a top priority. Every child deserves access to the best educational resources, modern facilities, and dedicated educators. By investing in our schools, we're investing in a brighter, more prosperous future for our entire community.

The rising economic tide of Portland has, so far, not carried everyone forward. The workers of Portland are our backbone but too often, it feels like they are an afterthought. As Mayor, their pay, training, and protection will be my priority.
​Community Vitality and Growth
As Mayor, I envision a city where shared economic development is a core tenet. Our community thrives when everyone, from small business owners to our community workers, benefits from the economic prosperity of our city. It's vital that as Portland grows, we ensure that the quality of work and compensation matches the effort and skills of our workers. A sustainable future for our city relies on fair wages, good working conditions, and opportunities for all. Together, we can create an economic landscape where every Portland resident has a chance to succeed and benefit from our collective progress.
​​Enhanced Workforce Retraining
I have worked with my colleagues and with Portland Adult Education to support those who are entering or re-entering the workforce with a Workforce Retraining Project. This project was funded in 2019. As Mayor, I will seek to extend the fruits of this initiative to all Portlanders.

Democracy is a fragile thing. We must always be vigilant in protecting its core, strengthening it, and finding ways to make it even more participatory. That includes more transparency in how our government works, intentionality in our inclusiveness, and empowerment of the people to engage meaningfully.
Create an Office of Resident Engagement and Inclusivity
Portland residents should feel that city hall works for them. It’s vital to know you are valued, heard, and responded to. That is why I will propose a process that will bring information to our residents and where any citizen can have the ability to express an idea, file a complaint, or find the assistance they need.
Require Lobbyist Disclosure
Pass lobbyist disclosure for city hall to ensure the public knows who is trying to influence local elected and unelected leaders. Disclosure should include lobbyists, clients, all payments, and all interactions with public officials.
Participatory Budgeting
From schools to climate change to property tax relief to garbage collection, we all have a stake in what the budget funds (and doesn’t). As Mayor, I will fight for participatory budgeting so that every Portlander can have a voice in how Portland's resources are spent. It's vital that our residents have a direct say in how our city's funds are allocated. This process ensures that our budget reflects our community's real needs and priorities. Together, we can make Portland a model of fiscal transparency and citizen engagement.
Strengthen Citizen Initiatives
In Portland, we pride ourselves on our strong sense of community and shared values. As a mayoral candidate, I believe citizen-driven initiatives are crucial to shaping our city's future. They ensure that our decisions are grounded in the needs and desires of those who call Portland home. I am committed to continuing to listen to the citizens of Portland as they represent our community's authentic voice and heart. Together, we can make Portland an even better place for all its residents.
Streamline the Relationship Between School Board and Council
As a mayoral candidate, former School Board member, and current Portland City Council member, I recognize the immense value of a harmonious and efficient relationship between our school board and city council. It's essential that we streamline our collaboration to ensure that decisions made are in the best interests of our students and residents alike. By fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared goals, we can drive forward initiatives that truly benefit our community. I am committed to facilitating this alignment, ensuring that our educational and civic leadership work hand in hand for the brighter future of our city.