Pious in the News

Commentary: As elected city officials, we're taking a united stand against hate in Maine (Portland Press Herald, 9.16.2023)
Letter to the editor: Portland councilor, mayoral candidate backs bridge-building effort (Portland Press Herald, 8.1.2023)
Portland city councilor joins field running for Mayor of Maine's largest city (WMTW, 8.1.2023)
City Councilor Pious Ali joins growing field in Portland mayoral race (Portland Press Herald, 7.31.2023)
Pious Ali’s ascent in Portland ‘was bound to happen' (The Portland Phoenix, 2021)
Portland city councilor critical of police condemns violence against officers (Portland Press Herald, 7.10.2020)
Portland City Council considers Black Lives Matter Activists' Demands (Maine Public, 6.9.2020)
Profile: Pious Ali (Amjambo Africa!, 5.1.2019)
Portland to require prevailing wage for workers on developments that get tax breaks (Portland Press Herald, 11.20.2017)
Rising Muslim politician gets out the vote in Maine (WBUR, 2.22.2017)
Bound to be Pious: An American making history (Good Men Project, 12.22.2016)
New councilor Pious Ali is focused on helping others (Portland Press Herald, 12.5.2016)
Portland elects first African-born Muslim to City Council (Bangor Daily News, 11.9.2016)
Immigrant Voices: Pious Ali (Oral History and Folklife Research, 8.30.2016)
Intercultural Understanding (MaineLoveRadio, 4.29.2016)